The one skill that every PHP web developer must have is the skill to code a secure registration and login system. This course will help you attain this essential skill.
This course was created to equip you with the essential abilities you need to create a website login system and registration system with PHP, MySQL, Ajax, JavaScript and jQuery.
PHP Login Page: What Will You Learn
In this course on PHP login system you will learn the latest PHP syntax as well as the latest MySQL and Bootstrap, and by the end of it, you'll be able to write your own PHP login script. I've created this course to provide a fun, and eye-widening learning experience so enjoy yourself while filling your head with new knowledge.
In this course, you'll find a lot of concepts that a typical "build a PHP login system" tutorial won't teach you. In this fast-paced learning experience, you will get a handle on a lot of advanced concepts and tools.
Only websites with minimal functionality do not have login systems. If you are doing anything more complicated, you won't avoid building a login and registration system. And yet, the best thing about creating your own PHP login system (and learning how to do that while taking this course) is the skills you gain: you'll be able to reuse this knowledge every time you design a new website.
The Target Audience of This Course
First of all, this course is perfect for students who know the basics of PHP and MySQL.
However, as I mentioned above, the login system is an essential feature of any website that offers membership. So opportunities to use the skills gained in this course are manifold. The good news is, once you get the core knowledge and skills from this course, you be able to apply them in a lot of future projects you might take up.
A Course That Goes Straight to the Point
In this course, you won't find any digressions or water cooler chatter, only knowledge distilled to the core to make your learning experience as easy and simple as possible.
You've come to the right place to learn the best way to code login and registration form in PHP. In this step by step guide, you will take a very practical approach and learn how to get things done - all by yourself!
In addition, I am very open to any suggestions and feedback about the course. If you think this course is missing something, you can recommend new features, and I will definitely consider implementing them in the course.
If you have any issues or you feel and are not fully understanding the topics of this course, contact me, and we'll sort it out and get you back on the learning path.
So do not hesitate and enroll in PHP Login System: the Ultimate Guide to Website Login System and More. You will learn how to create a website login system and registration system with PHP, MySQL, Ajax, JavaScript and jQuery!
Course consist of total 1j 28m of content, in total.